Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Vosges Chocolates Turn on the Red Light

Alright. So, once you’ve tasted Vosges Chocolate, it’s impossible to pretend you haven’t. It is the most magnificent chocolate in existence, and it is not only delicious but immorally expensive.

I am in love with its exotic flavors, like Red Fire (hot and spicy - great when paired with a pinot noir or a bubbly rose), Blood Orange Caramel, and Organic Enchanted Mushroom (doesn't that sound interesting?). However, buyer be warned: after the sugar rush, you are quickly reduced to a painful reality known only to the lovelorn, like Sting for his Roxanne. Eight bucks a pop? Sigh.

But seriously, how cute are these little devils? I'm thinking of making a version of the beer and chocolate package for my own cutie-valentine.

[images: Vosges Chocolate, The Addison Stop]

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